Friday, April 19, 2013

Introducing the Beautiful Miss Meghan

I'm sorry, I've been MIA the last couple weeks.  I've been super busy (which is a good thing) and am currently still editing a wedding, an awesome senior session, some headshots, a balloon and air show and a HDR project I've been working on for awhile.

But I had to share these newborn shots for little Miss Meghan.  She was five days old when I took these and such a good little baby . . .. awake, but good (she would sleep until you tried to pose her - that's okay I prefer the more natural look anyway).

I'd be hard pressed to pick my favorites from this session, but I will try . . . . . . here are a few that I really like.  The rest can be seen at     Coming soon ( I promise) . . . a wonderful wedding, beautiful senior and an amazing air show!

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