Thursday, January 3, 2013

Accomplishing Goals . . . . .

For me, that's what this week is all about and, while I haven't gotten them all done, I made great strides towards them.

This week:

  • I started this blog . . . . something I've been dragging my heels about for awhile.
  • I committed myself to a 365 project (day 2 & 3 photos below)
  • I re-vamped my website ( & created a 2013 price list which turned out to be almost a two day project
  • Created a nifty new cover page for my Facebook Fan Page (
  • And, I bought a 50mm lens . . . wait . . . that wasn't on my list of things to do . . . . oops!  :)
Still a few more administrative tasks to do, but this was the major stuff.  Only two more weeks to Imaging USA . . . . .can't wait!

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